Saturday, January 10, 2015

One Of Those Nights | Shawn Mendes

One Of Those Nights - Shawn Mendes | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat

Time up in the middle of a daydream
Waktu habis di tengah-tengah lamunan

Call you up 'cause the time is wasted
Kutelpon dirimu alasannya waktu terbuang sia-sia

Let's drive we got nowhere to go
Mari berkendara, tak ada tujuan

Fear not, yeah, welcome to the jungle
Jangan takut, yeah, selamat tiba di rimba belantara

Think fast, move quick, don't stumble
Berpikir cepat, bergerak cakap, jangan tersandung

We can't do this alone
Kita tak dapat lakukan ini sendiri

Where do we go? We don't know
Kemana kita pergi? Kita tak tahu

Follow the wind where it blows
Ikuti kemana angin berhembus

Let's make mistakes and don't look back, it's now or never
Mari lakukan kesalahan dan jangan menoleh, kini atau tidak sama sekali

One of those nights we felt invincible
Di salah satu malam-malam itu, kita merasa tak terkalahkan

And every glass was full, one of those nights
Dan setiap gelas penuh, di salah satu malam-malam itu

One of those nights, dancing in the stars
Di salah satu malam-malam itu, menari di antara bintang-bintang

Thought that the world was ours, one of those nights
Berpikir bahwa dunia milik kita, di salah satu malam-malam itu

We're young, live with no fear
Kita masih muda, hiduplah tanpa rasa takut

Kids running wild, girls crying dove tears
Anak-anak berlari liar, gadis-gadis meneteskan air mata merpati

We don't have this time for long
Kita tak dapat nikmati ini untuk waktu lama

Yeah, we make big plans, spending all our change
Yeah, kita menciptakan rencana besar, habis semua tabungan kita

Cut up in the night, oh we missed the last train
Terluka di malam hari, oh kita ketinggalan kereta terakhir

It's our time and we're leaving home
Inilah waktu kita dan kita meninggalkan rumah

Back to II, III

Wanna hold on tight to a little of this
Ingin mendekap bersahabat ini

Come now you don't want to miss
Ayolah, kamu tak ingin melewatkan

Time of our lives, one of those nights
Waktu hidup kita, di salah satu malam-malam itu

Go home it's over, but it's not the end
Pulanglah, usai sudah, tapi ini bukanlah akhir

Don't wait 'til you're older to begin
Jangan menunggu sampai kamu lebih bau tanah tuk memulai

Keep your composure and innocence
Tetaplah hening dan polos

Where do we go? We don't know
Kemana kita pergi? Kita tak tahu

One of those nights, we're driving around
Di salah satu malam-malam itu, kita berkendara berkeliling

And it's pouring us down
Dan hujan mengguyur kita

One of those nights
Di salah satu malam-malam itu

Wanna hold on tight to a little of this
Ingin mendekap bersahabat ini

Come now you don't want to miss
Ayolah, kamu tak ingin melewatkan

Time of our lives, one of those nights
Waktu hidup kita, di salah satu malam-malam itu

Back to III

Wanna hold on tight to a little of this
Ingin mendekap bersahabat ini

Come now you don't want to miss
Ayolah, kamu tak ingin melewatkan

Time of our lives, one of those nights
Waktu hidup kita, di salah satu malam-malam itu

One of those nights, where she turns those lights down
Di salah satu malam-malam itu, dimana ia padamkan lampu

And it's only us now, one of those nights
Dan kini hanya kita berdua, di salah satu malam-malam itu